I have three quick updates I would like to share.
First, Doug Smith is handling the hiring process for the new Director of the Convention and Visitors Bureau. Searchwide has been hired as the executive search firm (http://searchwide.com/job/executive-director-4/). Searchwide will pre-screen applicants and send the list to Doug. At this point Doug is looking to have interviews the end of February.
Second, Tiffany Russell, our Director of Public Relations, will be our interim VP for Marketing and Research until the position can be filled. Mr. Smith has asked the department to hold off on hiring this position until a new director can be hired.
Third, CONGRATUALTIONS to the Virginia Beach Convention Center staff for hosting a wonderful 10th Anniversary Celebration. Without your hard work and dedication the VBCC would not be as successful as it is.
Thank you again for all your hard work and dedication.
Jim Ricketts