Some of the fun you may have missed last weekend at the VBCC
Alan Zalewski putting the finishing touches on cleaning VBCC pre-function after US Finals. You’d hardly know they were here come Monday morning. One operations crew worked until 2:30 a.m. and the next crew was back at 7:00 a.m. It can take a while to clean up after nearly 30,000 cheerleaders and their families.Event Manager Forrest Harrell wondering how he inherited so many teenagers. Forrest ably managed the street party for US Finals.Pigs flew at the Street Party – one of five food trucks set up on 19th Street for the two days.MP Island Café – Long waits, but well worth it. This truck was the top seller for the weekend. Adrielle’s favorite, Ox Tail (she’s been to this place before). Courtney’s was jerk chicken.