Last week, a student tour group passing through Virginia Beach stopped by the Oceanfront long enough to enjoy a few hours of fun following a tiring but rewarding community service project. Seventy-one students and chaperones on an “Explore Colleges” tour assisted staff from Parks & Recreation in cleaning up more than 1500 pounds of trash found within an abandoned campsite on city property near Birdneck Road. Despite sweltering temperatures topping 100 degrees, the group worked tirelessly under tough conditions by bagging and carrying objects from the woods to an area where a dumpster was staged. Thanks to their dedication, this project added over 140 hours the city’s volunteerism report for July. Following their hard work, the group visited the Oceanfront and enjoyed lunch, the beach and local attractions. Thanks to CVBers Jim Coggin and Teresa Diaz for helping coordinate this “One Beach, One World” project for another group interested in giving back to our community while visiting Virginia Beach.