How do you move the parents and grandparents and others with disabilities into Virginia Beach City Public Schools High School graduations at the Convention Center? With City contractors and golf carts. The Convention Center just completed the annual trek of graduates with 13 rehearsals and 13 ceremonies over six days. Welcoming an estimated 50,000 guests is a logistical challenge and timing is critical. To assist our guests with mobility challenges, special traffic and parking plans were developed. This included offering anyone who wasn’t up for a long walk a ride to VBCC’s front doors. Pictured are Ethan Knobel, Brian Taylor (down front), Carl Morey (sitting), Justin Goodrich, James Mira, are regular security officers who work every day at VBCC to keep the building secure. They put on their customer service hats and assisted people from their cars, wheelchairs, walkers and crutches onto a small fleet of six-seat gas-powered vehicles right to VBCC’s front doors.