As a hospitality management major with a passion for travel and tourism, I knew I would love an internship in event services at the CVBB. I had no idea what to expect, but was prepared to learn. The event coordinators immediately made me feel like part of the team and Avery Burgess, the Director of Events, has become a great mentor to me. I can’t even express how much she has boosted my confidence as I transition from student to future professional. I truly feel that she wants me to succeed, and believes that I can. I’ve been exposed to so much in such a short time and have learned a lot about myself along the way. The most unexpected corollary is my personal leaning towards business and finance, something I didn’t expect as I’ve always considered myself more right-brained than left. It has been incredible seeing real-life applications of various business processes, financial accounting and information systems.
I’ve observed how communication and culture can play a substantial role in workplace dynamic. I have learned so much about all that goes into events, how there are so many working parts and how important teamwork and communication really is. I was impressed by the enormous kitchen and talented catering team at Distinctive Gourmet, and truly blown away by how delicious the food is. I was lucky enough to try many dishes and never went home hungry. Through meetings with department heads in operations, sales and service and business operations, I’ve learned about technical processes, city and government procedures and many, many management styles. The effort that goes into sustainability and energy-efficiency to maintain the building’s LEED certification is inspiring.
I am eternally grateful for this experience. I’ve had many networking and team-building opportunities, met tons of awesome people and participated in exciting meetings and events. Although I am not sure what my future holds, I’m positive I’ll be seeing the VBCC staff again.