2020-2021 Destination LookBook Cover Sneak Peek

Graphic designer Lauren Thorstensen and Content Manager John Mayer are excited to reveal the new lookbook in just a few weeks! Here’s Lauren providing you a sneak peek of the new cover.


What do visitors have to say about the lookbook? Here are the responses from out-of-market consumer research focus group testing:


“This was very useful. I’ve been to Virginia Beach before and I didn’t know there was this much to get into.”

“This shows me I was too narrowly focused in my opinions of Virginia Beach. I was thinking of the city by the name, yet this addresses the whole coast.”

“The pictures were great. The images did a great job of standing out. The people featured in the ads didn’t look like actors, but actual visitors.”

“After seeing this I would consider visiting again, but to a different district. I would love to check out the hiking!”

“I like the Lookbook. It has been about the only thing that has made me think I should check out Virginia Beach, because it has some stuff North Carolina and South Carolina beaches don’t.”

“Much different feel than then in the ads or the radio ad. It’s a nice, comprehensive guide that makes me what to go.”



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