Planning Meeting

Sally & Jamie recently met with The Virginia Society of Association Executives (VSAE) and Marriott Virginia Beach Oceanfront to continue planning for the 2021 VSAE Annual Conference.


Pictured: Executive Director – Terry Monroe, Meetings Manager – Pamela Flynn, Marriott VB Oceanfront Senior Sales Manager Mary Kelly

Kelli Norman earns CDME Recertification

Originally certified in 2014, we are very proud to announce that Kelli Norman has been recertified as a Certified Destination Management Executive. The Certified Destination Management Executive (CDME) is the tourism industry’s highest individual educational achievement. The CDME program prepares senior executives, who want to advance their careers to blend theory with experience and application of knowledge to help industry leaders thrive in a constantly changing environment. The program’s focus is on vision, leadership, productivity and implementing business strategies.

Connect Marketplace – Amy & Scott

Recently Amy and Scott, with CVB’s Meetings & Conventions, attended Connect Marketplace, which brings together Connect the most active planners, suppliers and experts across multiple meetings and events industry markets. For health and safety reasons, the hosting venue required all attendees to have a daily temperature check, and complete a daily self-assessment through an app. While practicing social distancing, they were able to meet with over 75 member planners for future meetings.


Virginia Beach has been awarded the Platinum Choice Award by Smart Meetings!

The Platinum Choice Awards honor the hospitality industry’s top-ranked hotels, venues and CVBs that display the highest standards of overall excellence in service and amenities. Industry pros and Smart Meetings’ readers cast their votes and each nomination receives a thoughtful review from the Smart Meetings editorial team who selects the final honorees.

Destination Southeast

Jamie Mitchell recently participated in the Destination Southeast Digital Event.  The platform Remo was used and a total of 18 planners were met with.

Jamie Mitchell Won the VSAE Leader Board Contest!

VSAE 2020 Virtual Fall Conference
Congratulations to the winners of our contests! VSAE will be in touch to ensure you receive your prizes. Thank you to everyone who actively participated in our Fall Conference.

Leaderboard Contest
Awarded to the attendees with the highest number of points for active participation within the Whova event platform.
1st Place – Jamie Mitchell, Virginia Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau

2nd Place – Phyllis Errico, Virginia Association of Counties

3rd Place – Robin Sweeney, The Greenbrier

Best Virtual Booth Contest
Awarded to the exhibitor booth with the highest number of likes.
There was a three-way tie; however, VSAE is ineligible to win but we truly appreciate your support!

Lori Leib, Hampton Convention & Visitor Bureau

and Robin Sweeney, The Greenbrier!

Best Photo Contest
Awarded to the photo with the highest number of likes.
It was a very tight race until the end but congratulations to Michelle Catalla, Hilton Norfolk The Main!

Her picture with booth-mates Rita Matthews, VisitNorfolk and Jamie Caron, Norfolk Waterside Marriott narrowly beat out other great photos.

Pamela Flynn
VSAE 2020 Virtual Fall Conference