1. Employee name: Sherri Waghalter
2. Where were you born and where is your hometown? Born in Norfolk General Hospital, Hometown is Virginia Beach, VA
3. What division and position do you work for? VBCC Sales
4. How many years have you worked for the CVB? 18 years
5. How many years have you worked for the City of Va. Beach? 31
6. What is the best vacation you’ve been on? Florida Beaches with friends
7. What is your favorite thing to do in the wonderful City of Virginia Beach? Sit on the Beach with friends
8. What is your favorite quote? Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining – Judge Judy
9. Do you have an office nickname? If so what is it? No
10. What is one thing you cannot resist? Judge Judy TV Show
11. What is on your bucket list? Alaska Cruise