Tourism on the Road…

Tourism recently attended The Pennsylvania Bus Assn and Maryland Motorcoach Assn Group Leader show in York PA. Over 1,000 group leaders were in attendance.

Small World

While Mike Eason (left) was enjoying a round of golf in Florida, he ran into George Efstathiou, FAIA RIBA, (center) the managing partner of SOM, lead architects of Virginia Beach Convention Center. George was largely responsible for VBCC’s project as well as a number of world-renowned projects in the Middle East, most notably Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest structure pictured below.



We Need Testimonials! Tourism Advocacy

The Virginia Beach CVB is collecting testimonials on the importance of tourism, travel and hospitality on our local economy (and our quality of life) to be placed on a new tourism advocacy website and collateral. Please provide a quote to us by filling out this form.

We welcome you to share this form with others you might know (friends, neighbors, etc.).

What do you do when you find a piece of broken glass at VBCC?

You hire a glazing contractor, round up a crane, a man lift and 8 strong professional glazers, and get to work. And then, write a big check.  VBCC was fortunate that Walker & Laberge, the original contractor, had two pieces of this custom curved glass left over from our job in 2005. Work was completed March 15.


Tourism on the Road

Tourism recently attended Travel South Domestic Showcase in Biloxi, MS with representatives from the Best Western Oceanfront and Military Aviation Museum.

Our Coastal City Receives Impressive Online Media Coverage

Recent media coverage gave significant shout outs to Virginia Beach. In the first instance, USA Today (nearly 3.3m daily online readers) featured Trip Advisor’s Top 25 Best Beaches in the USA and Virginia Beach was included. We shared this article on our social platforms asking our followers to “Tell us what you love about Va Beach!” and the post performed exceptionally well:


Facebook: Reached 31,780 people organically

Instagram: Reached 10,817 people organically

Twitter: Reached 29,607 people organically


On the heels of that coverage, Virginia Beach earned great placement on the Travel Channel online (UVPM: 897K) in a story titled “Best U.S. Boardwalks.” Virginia Beach was listed alongside Santa Cruz, Coney Island, Ocean City, NJ, Hollywood Beach and Wailea.


About Virginia Beach, the writer notes: “A boardwalk with pedestrian crosswalks and its own bike path? That’s what you get when you build a 3-mile-long coastal walkway in Virginia’s most-populous city. The concrete path is lined with high-rise hotels, upscale shops, whimsical sculptures, even museums. There’s also a fishing pier, and 4 outdoor stages for summer concerts.”


These articles have been performing well on our social channels, so we’ll continue to post.

Photos From The Nutrition Seminar

Karen Ovalle is one of the BeWell Champions for the CVB. One of her responsibilities is to educate co-workers on leading a healthier lifestyle. She coordinated a nutrition lunch & learn seminar on Tuesday, March 6, 2018. The seminar was sponsored by Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios and Saladworks.  Jim White Fitness  & Nutrition Studios provided a wonderful speaker –  Karen Bremenstul – Registered Dietitian. Karen educated the attendees on how to live a healthier life style through nutrition. In addition, Saladworks provided sample salads that were delicious.