The PR Team is working with our Hotel and Restaurant Associations to film a customer service training video. Check out some shots of the action below:
BAYDA iServe Cleanup on VBTV
Check out this great VBTV feature on the BAYDA iServe Beach Cleanup, featuring an interview with Convention Sales Manager, Jamie Mitchell.
The BAYDA segment starts around the 8:10 mark.
AKA Wrap-Up
Why Virginia Beach is Paying Attention to Canada and its Currency
Check out this fascinating PilotOnline feature and interview with Ron Kuhlman, on our advertising efforts in Canada, and the impact of the decreasing value of the Canadian loonie.
ACRC7s Rugby Tournament in VB Welcomes Naval Academy
The Naval Academy will now be among the teams scrumming for the top prize at the 2016 ACRC7s Rugby Tournament that will be at the Virginia Beach Sportsplex, April 30-May 1. Matches take place Saturday from 10am-4pm and Sunday from 10am-3pm. Admission is $5 per day (kids under 12 free).
Read more about the newest addition here!
VBTV Tribute to Jim
The City’s Television Station, VBTV has produced this very nice tribute to Jim. The feature starts at the 27:15 mark.
Coverage in Leisure Group Travel
Check out this cool feature in Leisure Group Travel, as we lead up to the summer months and begin focusing on our live entertainment offerings.
Leisure Group Travel magazine, based out of Chicago, has a monthly circulation of more than 20,000.
Sunrise from the AKA Shuttle Stop at the Sheraton
Wavy TV – Out of Market Commercials Promote New Tourism Campaign in VB
Check out this story from Wavy – TV on our advertising efforts to promote the Three Beaches campaign!
AKA 63rd Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in VB
With the Alpha Kappa Alpha 63rd Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in town until Saturday, Convention Services and the VBCC teams are doing there thing this week!