Operations Appreciation Cook Out at the Convention Center

Thursday, July 26, the  Operations Department had an Employee Appreciation Cookout at the Convention Center. Keith Bernstein was graciously grilling hot dogs and hamburgers on Dock D while the staff ate and relaxed in the Hall.

Thank You Ops Team, for all that you do,  from Larry Mitchell,  Brenda Felton, Jackie Owens, Ladonya Reynolds, Chris Richmond, Bill Bradshaw and Les Tolson!

Department Leadership Meeting (DLM) Notes from 7/25/18

Department Leadership Meeting (DLM) Notes from Wednesday,  July 25, 2018.

If you have any questions about these notes, please contact Michelle Boyette at MBoyette@visitvirginiabeach.com or (757) 385-2169

Attachments :

  1.  Agenda
  2. VAB Hotel Association PPT
  3. Entertainment District Update PPT
  4. Conflicts of Interests Act & Ethics PPT
  5. Emergency Communications & Citizens Services (ECCS) PPT 





DCM Steven Cover – Flooding update

  1. Reviewed flooded areas of southern Virginia Beach via drone footage
  2. Reviewed the weather forecast over the next several days
  3. Provided an update on preparation efforts by various city departments



Dave Hansen, City Manager – Virginia Beach Hotel Association

  1. Overview of CM’s Meeting with VAB Hotel Association
    1. Grow the pie
      1. Think of the market as pie
      2. Businesses can either continue to argue over a small piece of pie or grow the pie so that each piece of the pie is larger
    2. Power of vacation memories – growing the pie
      1. City Manager, Dave Hansen, chose to move to Virginia Beach because vacation time he spent here was so positive
      2. VAB Industries include, Biomedical, High Speed Broadband and Tourism. Of the three, Tourism is the #1.
        1. Vacation memories = repeat business, positive economic impact and future investment
        2. Visitors in 2017 – 19 million
        3. Visitation up – 7.3%
        4. Overnight Visitors – 7.4 million
        5. Hotel stays – 4.7 million
        6. Lodging Sales – $370 million
        7. Hotel Tax Revenue – $32.8 million
        8. Virginia Beach – Top 25 Cities in the nation where Millennials are moving
      3. City Sustainability & Economic Growth
        1. Three ways cities maintain sustainability
          1. Grow Economy
          2. Raise Taxes
          3. Cut Services
        2. Virginia Beach grows the economy and will continue using this method. How?
          1. Tourism – leading catalyst to grow the economy
            1. Promote Year-Round Destination
              1. With projects like the Sports Center to attract sports tourism, especially events in the shoulder and off-seasons.
              2. Convention Center Headquarter Hotel
            2. Clean up Atlantic Avenue
              1. Infrastructure Improvements
              2. Update existing product
            3. Employees must be “all in” and help promote the City of Virginia Beach and support growth initiatives
  • Headquarter Hotel
    1. 2018 HVS Study Headquarter Hotel Study
    2. This is study #6 and it will likely state what the previous 5 studies concluded, that a headquarter hotel is economically beneficial to VB
    3. HQH would enable City Agencies to secure lucrative business that would not come to VB without a HQH
      1. Top tier business cannot be secured without top tier amenities, like a HQH.
        1. Look at Nashville, Richmond, West Palm Beach, etc.
      2. Convention Center Complex = Opportunity Zone
        1. Reviewed Dome site and two (2) Pier Proposals
        2. Sports Center
        3. Headquarter Hotel
        4. Center for Tourism Projects
        5. Full entertainment District Package
      3. Competition is good for the market, have to grow the pie.



DCM, Ron Williams – Entertainment District Update – the four projects listed are the top priorities from City Council

  1. Central Beach Project
    1. 19th Street Improvement Project
      1. Project started June 4, 2018
      2. Estimated Completion – June 2020
  • Construction is year round
  1. Sports Center
    1. PPEA Comprehensive Agreement for Design-Build
      1. What is a PPEA?
        1. PPEA stands for Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act
        2. A PPEA offers public bodies an alternative approach to the traditional design/bid/build process
        3. Pros of a PPEA
          1. Save time
          2. Save money
          3. Include no upfront cost
          4. Access to different designs
          5. Guarantees maximum price
          6. Provides a single point of contact
          7. Access to industry professionals
        4. Summary of Material Terms  (rounded)
          1. Sports Center Total = $58M
          2. Parking Total = $10M
          3. Total Project Cost = $68M
          4. Construction Start – August 2018
          5. Final Completion – November 2020
  • Programming
    1. Current, 17 events, generates 58,000-68,000 room nights
    2. Goal – 60 events, generate 150,000-160,000 room nights
    3. Sports Center collegiate track will be one of only three of its kind in the nation
  1. Dome Site
    1. January 2018, Public Engagement Workshop, reviewed responses
    2. Reviewed Dome Site Development
      1. Entertainment Venue
      2. Streetscapes
  • The Wave
  1. Pier Development
    1. Two proposals being reviewed
      1. 15th Street Pier Proposal
      2. 17th Street Pier Proposal
    2. CIP Project Funding
      1. Public & Private Funding
        1. Public Fund Source – TIP & General Fund
        2. More information – https://www.vbgov.com/government/departments/communications-office/hot-topics/entertainment-district/Pages/default.aspx



Deputy City Attorney, Rod Ingram – Conflict of Interests Act and Ethics in Public Contracting Provisions of the Virginia Public Procurement Act

  1. Conflict of Interests Act – The act is complex and fact-specific.
    1. “The State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act is the primary law governing the financial interests of public officers and employees in contracts and transactions that involve their agency.”
      1. Potential Conflicts – a City employee may have a prohibited conflict arising from:
        1. A personal interest in a contract
        2. A personal interest in a transaction
        3. Business opportunities tied to official acts
        4. Misuse of confidential information
        5. Receipt or solicitation of gifts
        6. Please read through the attached PPT
      2. Ethics in Public Contracting Virginia Public Procurement Act
        1. The Ethics in Public Contracting provisions of the Virginia Public Procurement Act supplement the provisions of the Conflicts Act
        2. Applies to employees with intermediate or final authority to initiate, approve, disapprove, or otherwise affect a procurement transaction.
          1. “Procurement transaction” refers to obtaining goods, services or construction, and it includes description of requirements, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contracts, and all phases of contract administration.
          2. Among other things, an employee is prohibited from participating in a procurement transaction if:
            1. He or she, an immediate family member, or partner is employed by a bidder, offeror or contractor involved in the transaction,
            2. Or he or she (or a family member or partner) otherwise has a financial interest in the transaction.
  • Also prohibited are:
    1. Acceptance of anything of more than a nominal value from a bidder, offeror or contractor
    2. Employee/family member/partner negotiating prospective employment with bidder/offeror/contractor
    3. Person who prepares RFP/ITB submitting bid or proposal or disclosing to any bidder or offeror information that is not publicly available
  1. Required Disclosures
    1. Acceptance of employment with any bidder/offeror/contractor with whom the employee dealt in an official capacity concerning a procurement transaction for a period of one year—written notification
    2. Public bodies may require employees with procurement responsibilities to annually certify that they complied with the Act.
  2. Please read through the attached PPT


  1. The City Attorney’s Office will help with questions, clarification and opinions for both the Conflict of Interests Act and Ethics in Public Contracting Provisions.


Stephen Williams, Director, Emergency Communications & Citizens Services (ECCS)

  1. VAB 911 is very busy –
    1. Total calls – 719,335
      1. 911 Emergency Calls – 224,216
      2. Non-Emergency – 326,023
  • Outbound – 169,096
  1. Calls for service – 414,697
  1. VAB 311
    1. Total contacts – 116,857
      1. 311 calls – 81,980
      2. Real Estate Assessor – 9,567
  • Chat – 9,395
  1. Email – 2,938
  2. Everything else – 12,977
  1. Review the 911 call process and the importance of –
    1. Who
    2. What
    3. When
    4. Where
    5. Why
  2. Can I text 911?
    1. Yes
    2. When should I text 911?
      1. When you can’t call 911
        1. Home invasion
        2. Active Shooter
        3. Hearing Impaired
      2. Easy way to remember 911 or 311?
        1. 911 = Burning Buildings
          1. Medical emergencies
          2. Fires
  • Accidents with injuries
  1. Crimes in progress
  1. 311 = Burning Issues
    1. City information
    2. News
  • Events
  1. ECCS Education Outreach & jobs
    1. ECCS attends many public education events
    2. Invite ECCS and their mascot to visit your organization at vbgov.com/911kids
    3. ECCS is hiring 911 & 311 dispatchers!



  1. Police Chief Cervera explained VBPD has four divisions, Investigative, Operations, Professional Standards and Support Division, and that the Support Division position is a civilian post. The Chief introduced Frances Emerson, the new Administrator for the Support Division. Frances Emerson is a retired Assistant Police Chief from the City of Norfolk.
  2. Various new staff and summer intern introductions
  3. Taylor Adams in Finance introduced the new Comptroller, Alice Kelly and the new Purchasing Agent, Rebecca Kees.
  4. DCM Tom Leahy introduced the new Director of Public Works, Mark Johnson

German Travel Agents visit Virginia Beach


23 German Travel agents spent 4 beautiful days in Virginia Beach, all first-time visitors, their experience was one of great surprise giving Virginia Beach high scores on their evaluations.  Below are some highlights of their activities and interviews of the agents.  A big thank you to all of our CVB Staff who helped to organize this event.  It took a lot of teamwork and was a huge success!







Article published in Quebec – We love those Canadians!

Fantastic news and coverage in Canada.

This three-page, 4-color spread is the result of our media deskside in Montreal in March 2016 which generated a press visit with Nicole Labbe last June.


This article came out June 8th in the July/August issue of Chatelaine magazine (Chatelaine is an English-language Canadian women’s magazine which covers topics from food, style and home décor to politics, health and relationships.) with a reach of 909,000 consumers and represents an advertising value of $34,031.


The article focuses on the following:

  • Boardwalk, bike path, King Neptune and fabulous sandy beach
  • Three beaches
  • Fresh seafood offerings at One Fish Two FIsh
  • Pleasure House Oyster experience with Chris Ludford
  • Access roads to get here with recommendati0n to use route 13
  • Average temperature
  • Rainy Day recommendations: VAQ, Aviation Museum, F-18, outlet, Town Center and Mac Arthur Mall shopping centers
  • Grommet Island
  • Loonie Savers program
  • Cape Henry Lighthouses
  • First Landing State park with its beach, hiking trails and campground
  • Sandbridge Beach – rental homes & Back Bay
  • New Earth Farm and its cooking classes
  • ViBe Creative district, Commune, Chesapeake Bay Distillery
  • Back Bay Brewery
  • Culinary offerings and recommendations: Blackened seafood, hush puppies, mimosas, orange crush & grits

Culture Team Thank You Tour

The Culture Team went on a Thank You Tour delivering warm smiles and sweet treats to members of the CVB team. I, for one, was thrilled with my cold beverage and Oreo cookies.   The culture team really puts their creative thoughts into action. Thanks for the recognition.

Marcomm Team in Action

Here are a few shots of the Marketing Communication team’s videographer, Will Smith, in his natural habitat! This series was captured during filming for leisure production at Chicks Oyster Bar earlier this week! Despite the rain, we made it happen!

See What’s Happening at the VIC!

  • The VIC staff along with a few CVB staff recently went on a walking tour of the ViBe District.  They saw all the new murals featured on the new and easy one-mile walking tour for the ViBe District.  They learned a lot and was an educational experience for everyone.

  • Another news…  Peggy Breslin from our Chesapeake Bay Center at First Landing State Park received from the Virginia State Parks the “Focus of Excellence” certificate.  She was recognized for her excellent customer service skills  and contribution to the success of Virginia State Parks.  Congratulations to Peggy for this well-deserved recognition!



Starquest is in the house!

For the 25th year, VBCC welcomes Starquest  National Finals to Virginia Beach. More than 1400 dancers plus their families will compete on multiple stages all week.